Saturday, February 20, 2010

Headlines for February 11 - February 17

A Stand For Justice

Attack on Iran's nuclear facilities 'worries' US admiral
"The outbreak of a conflict will be a big, big, big problem for all of us, and I worry a great deal about the unintended consequences of a strike," Admiral Mullen said. ......Mullen, who was speaking to journalists during a visit to Israel, went on to say however that US President Barack Obama had been "very clear that from a policy standpoint, Iran cannot have a nuclear weapons."

Al Khalil Hebron Settlers from Beit Hadassah harass Palestinian family living nearby

Mossad's licence to kill
Mossad is one of the world's smallest intelligence services. But it has a back-up system no other outfit can match. The system is known as sayanim, a derivative of the Hebrew word lesayeah, meaning to help.
There are tens of thousands of these "helpers". Each has been carefully recruited, sometimes by katsas, Mossad's field agents. Others have been asked to become helpers by other members of the secret group.

Clinton says Blair to play bigger role in Mideast

Congressman says US should break Gaza blockade
The United States should break Israel's blockade of Gaza and deliver badly needed supplies by sea, a U.S. congressman told Gaza students.

Ahmadinejad warns Israel against any military move

U.S. vows commitment to Israel, wary of war over Iran nukes
"If Russia agrees to sanctions, China will find itself alone and may be forced to line up with the Western powers," an Israeli official said. "That's why persuading the Russian leadership is so important." .....Jerusalem and Washington have held several high-level consultations on Iran in recent weeks. Last month U.S. National Security Adviser James Jones visited Israel for talks with Israeli colleagues, and two weeks ago Central Intelligence Agency Director Leon Panetta paid a secret visit to the country. The U.S. officials briefed their counterparts on sanctions the Obama administration intends to levy against Iran, but reportedly asked them to keep a low media profile and to "act responsibly."

Lebanon troops fire at 4 Israeli warplanes flying overhead
Lebanese soldiers opened fire on four Israeli warplanes that flew into its airspace, the Lebanon Army said on Sunday, The Lebanese army said in a statement that its units used anti-aircraft fire Sunday to force the Israeli warplanes out of Lebanese airspace.

Israel says no proof it carried out Dubai killing
Six of the men are Britons who immigrated to Israel. The seventh is an American–Israeli, whose name Dubai said was on a German passport used by one of the assassins.

Ireland confirms 'Irish' Dubai killers don't exist
"We are unable to identify any of those three individuals as being genuine Irish citizens. Ireland has issued no passports in those names," the department said in a statement.....British government sources told the Daily Telegraph earlier Tuesday that the three Irish passport-holders were most likely Mossad agents carrying false documentation.

Hezbollah warns of retaliation for any Israeli hit
"If you bomb our ports, we will bomb your ports. If you bomb our oil refineries, we will bomb your oil refineries," said the black–turbaned Nasrallah. "If you bomb our factories, we will bomb your factories. If you bomb our electricity stations, we will bomb your electricity stations."

Israel is accused of waging covert war across the Middle East
Under the current Mossad chief, Meir Dagan, Israel is believed to have renewed efforts to kill high-level opponents.

Israel general doubts power to hit Iran atom sites
"I think that the State of Israel should not take it upon itself to be the flag–bearer of the entire Western world in the face of the Iranian threat," Halutz, whose previous military post was as air force commander, told Channel Two. This is precisely why Israel will get us to do it for them.

Lebanese troops open fire on Israeli warplanes
The Lebanese army said in a statement that its troops used anti–aircraft fire Sunday to force the Israeli warplanes out of Lebanese airspace. The army said the planes were in southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley in central Lebanon.

Two U.S. Democrat congressmen visit Gaza
The two U.S. congressmen, who were escorted by United Nations vehicles, visited areas which were bombarded by the Israeli army during last winter's "Operation Cast Lead" military offensive that lasted for 22 days.

Netanyahu: Israel not planning war with Iran
That's because he knows he can get US to do it.

US military chief discusses Iran on Mideast tour
Egypt's state news agency says President Hosni Mubarak met with Adm. Mike Mullen on Sunday. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will travel later in the day to Israel.

U.S., Israel up pressure for sanctions on Iran

Myth of the Iranian Nuke by Patrick J. Buchanan
Last December, however, The Times of London reported it had a secret document, which “intelligence agencies” dated to early 2007, proving that Iran was working on the final component of a “neutron initiator,” the trigger for an atom bomb..... U.S. intelligence, however, has not confirmed the authenticity of the document, and Iran calls it a transparent forgery. When former CIA man Phil Giraldi sounded out ex-colleagues still in the trade, they, too, called the Times’ document a forgery. Shades of Saddam seeking yellowcake from Niger. Are the folks who lied us into war on Iraq, to strip it of weapons it did not have, now trying to lie us into war on Iran, to strip it of weapons it does not have?

Isolated and battered, Israeli doves hold protest
Activists have gathered each Friday since November in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah to protest the eviction of Palestinians from their homes to make room for Jewish settlers.....Activists point to a recent campaign vilifying a prominent human rights campaigner, arrests of protesters and attempts by government officials and right–wing groups to halt international funding of Israeli organizations they deemed disloyal.

IDF Turns To Human Rights Watch for Help
As human rights organizations continue to be vilified by an Israeli government still smarting from the effects of the Goldstone Report, the Forward has learned that the Israeli military has been in conversation and even actively working with Human Rights Watch, the international organization that has been often — and loudly — denounced by the Jewish world.

AT-TUWANI UPDATE: January 2010
Despite continuing pressure, harassment, and attacks from the Israeli
military and settlers, Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills continued to
organize nonviolent actions and marches to assert their right to land
access and education.

Israeli group accuses Irish Gaza investigator of anti-Semitism
Desmond Travers was one of four members of the panel headed by retired South African jurist Richard Goldstone, mandated by the UN to investigate last winter’s Israeli military operation in Gaza.
Israel refused to co-operate with the inquiry, although a number of Israeli human rights groups provided information. After visiting Gaza and questioning witnesses the team produced a report accusing both Israel and Palestinian militant groups of committing war crimes.

Abbas aide in sex tape scandal urged to quit
The footage of the aide, Rafiq Husseini, has sent shock waves through conservative Palestinian society since it was broadcast on Israeli TV earlier this week.

'Livni may cause own arrest to shame U.K. into changing law'
Livni reportedly added that getting herself arrested was the only way to "shame" the British government into changing the law giving judges the power to arrest visiting Israeli politicians and generals. ....Foreign Secretary David Miliband later announced that Britain would no longer tolerate legal harassment of Israeli officials in this fashion.

At least five Israelis 'share names with Dubai hit squad suspects'

Palestinian protesters pose as Na'vi from "Avatar"
Palestinian protesters have added a colorful twist to demonstrations against Israel's separation barrier, painting themselves blue and posing as characters from the hit film "Avatar."

Hamas: Next war with Israel will be regional conflict
Meshal's visit to Russia angered Israeli officials, who sent a letter of protest to Moscow over the matter.

Russia tells Netanyahu it will hold off on Iran arms deal
An hour before Netanyahu's plane took off on Sunday, Russian officials said that Moscow sees no reason to delay the sale of the S-300, a powerful air-defense system, to Iran. In addition, on Friday, Russian intelligence officials leaked comments expressing their displeasure with plans by an Israeli firm to close a major arms deal with Georgia.

US senators seek regime change in Iran
Senators John Cornyn and Sam Brownback introduced the so-called “Iran Democratic Transition Act” bill on February 11, coinciding with the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, in which unprecedented tens of millions of Iranians poured into the streets to rally and celebrate the 31st anniversary. .....Observers point to the fact that both conservative Senators Brownback of Oklahoma and Cornyn of Texas have been on the payroll of pro-Israeli lobby groups in the United States and have regularly submitted anti-Iran measures in congress to satisfy the influential pro-Israeli lobby.

Suburban homeless: Rising tide of women, families
As more Americans are finding themselves jobless and possibly even homeless, the billions of taxpayer dollars continue to flow to the Middle East where Israel sees the lion's share of the foreign aid budget (in many different forms such as aid to Egypt and Jordan for making peace with her). Americans could use that money RIGHT HERE at home, where liberty and justice for ALL reigns, unlike in Israel.

Saudi official questions new sanctions on Iran
Prince Saud al–Faisal told a news conference in the Saudi capital that the threat posed by Iran's nuclear ambitions demands a more immediate solution than sanctions. He described sanctions as a long–term solution, and he said the threat is more pressing. ....The Saudi minister also said efforts supported by the U.S. to rid the Middle East of nuclear weapons must apply to Israel.

Obama backs justice for Hariri killers
Obama gave the assurance in a telephone call, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said, adding the president also emphasized US support for Lebanon's "sovereignty and independence." Then he will step in and ask the Israelis to stop the (illegal) overflights of Lebanon? Doubtful.

Robert Fisk: Passport to the truth in Dubai remains secret
Far too many police forces are now sending their minions to Israel to learn about "terror". The Canadians actually dispatched a team of cops to Tel Aviv who allowed themselves to wear "suicide vests" for publicity pictures. Air France now hands the US details of all its passengers' profiles – which, of course, go straight to the Israelis – despite the fact that Israeli security officers (like hundreds of Arab security officers in the Middle East) may well be involved in war crimes.

Israel asks Russia for Iran "sanctions with teeth"

Israel No reason to think Mossad killed Hamas man
"Israel never responds, never confirms and never denies," he said. "There is no reason for Israel to change this policy."

Secession in the Air by Patrick J. Buchanan
When the tea partiers want to rally against the evils of the passionate attachment that George Washington warned us against, one if not the greatest danger to America (as the war cries against Iran from the neocons and ilk reach near hysteric levels), then I will be there with bells on.

Obama, The War President
In his speech, Obama warned Iran of "consequences" if it didn't play ball and co-operate on nuclear inspections. It's unclear whether those consequences are of the financial variety or of a pre-emptive military strike by the U.S. or Israel. All this comes at a time when the U.S. has bolstered its naval presence in the Persian Gulf and the neo-conservatives are calling for "regime change" in Iran.

Quarter of Israeli settlements violate building ban group
A quarter of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank have begun new construction despite a government order banning new housing starts, an anti–settlement group said on Monday.

U.S. lawmakers in Israel 'puzzled' by Ayalon boycott
"In our opinion this is an inappropriate way to treat elected representatives of Israel's closest ally who are visiting the country - and who through the years have been staunch supporters of the U.S.-Israeli special relationship."

Israeli FM: Palestinian government smearing us
Israel's foreign minister on Monday accused the Western–backed Palestinian government of spearheading an international smear campaign against Israel and predicted that even if negotiations between the two sides resume, they would fail. Israel has engaged in an international campaign to smear the Palestinians for over 60 years. Please.

Israeli deputy FM advice to Arab minority sparks anger
Arab Israeli MPs were angered on Saturday by advice from Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon that their minority should be transferred to a future Palestinian state.

More Homeless Americans Living in Cars and Campers
How much will another war in the Middle East, being pushed by the same corners that got us into Iraq, cost American taxpayers?

Democracy in the Balance
The human rights groups whose reports are cited in the Goldstone Report are the canary in the coal mine of Israeli democracy. These organizations did their job, recording and reporting, and their findings were used primarily as background material; the most significant quotes used in the Goldstone Report came from military personnel and political leaders.

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