Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Americans were on the ship bound for Gaza, some wounded

One last quick update - Joe Meadors, a survivor of Israel's attack on the USS Liberty was aboard one of the ships destined for Gaza, and may be in Israeli custody. Read on at the bottom of this article by the Associated Press. His former shipmate John Hrankowski is very worried about him - according to this article.

A few key points on the latest information coming out of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, and consequently the US mainstream media regarding Israel's attack on the flotilla of ships headed for Gaza:

  • If this were an American boat in international waters and the Iranian commandos had done what the Israelis did, we'd consider it an ACT OF WAR. That goes for any other Muslim nation as well.

  • The Israelis and their defenders claim self defense in this attack on a civilian vessel in international waters. But their claims that these people were Hamas or Al Qaeda supporters who may have been shipping munitions to Gaza fall flat in the face of the fact that the Israeli commandos boarded armed with PAINTBALL GUNS.

  • The Israelis and their defenders seem to believe that since these shipgoers actually defended themselves, that this was somehow an act of self defense on the part of the Israeli commandos. Come on, really?

  • If I were aboard a ship in international waters and these commandos (or any others like them) came at me like that, I'd defend myself in any way possible as these shipgoers did. They had every right.

    They were not in Israeli naval space. They were in INTERNATIONAL WATER.

    Another critical piece of information came through the pipeline today as well: there were AMERICANS on board that ship, and some of them were wounded.

    Watch the nonreaction by our government in the face of that fact. After all, this is Israel we are talking about here. And we wouldn't want to go against our overlords, the Israeli lobby.

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